Schedule of Services

2nd FebruarySundayPresentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas)
  8.00 am BCP Holy Communion
  10.00am All-Age Parish Eucharist
  3.00 pm Evensong 
6th FebruaryThursday9.30 am Holy Communion
9th FebruarySundayFourth Sunday before Lent
  9.00 am BCP Holy Communion (St Peter’s Owlswick)
  10.00 am Parish Eucharist 
  3.00 pm Evensong
13th FebruaryThursday9.30 am Holy Communion
16th FebruarySundayThird Sunday before Lent
  10.00 am Parish Eucharist
  3.00 pm Evensong
20th FebruaryThursday9.30 am Holy Communion
23rd FebruarySundaySecond Sunday before Lent
  10.00 am Parish Eucharist
  3.00 pm Evensong (St Peter’s Owlswick)
27th FebruaryThursday9.30 am Holy Communion
2nd MarchSundaySunday next before Lent
  8.00 am BCP Holy Communion
  10.00 am All-Age Parish Eucharist
  3.00 pm Evensong
5th MarchAsh Wednesday10.00 am Said Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday
  7.30 pm Sung Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday
6th MarchThursday9.30 am Holy Communion
9th MarchSundayFirst Sunday of Lent
  9.00 am BCP Holy Communion (St Peter’s Owlswick)
  10.00 am Parish Eucharist
  3.00 pm Evensong
13th MarchThursday9.30 am Holy Communion
16th MarchSundaySecond Sunday of Lent
  10.00 am Parish Eucharist
  3.00 pm Evensong
20th MarchThursday9.30 am Holy Communion
23rd MarchSundayThird Sunday of Lent
  10.00 am Parish Eucharist
  3.00 pm Evensong (to be held at St Dunstan’s)
  Followed by the APCM
27th MarchThursday9.30 am Holy Communion
30th MarchSundayMothering Sunday
  10.00 am Parish Eucharist
  6.00 pm Evensong (St Peter’s Owlswick)

Please do not attend services if you feel unwell or if you have symptoms of COVID-19.

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