Arranging a funeral for a loved one can be a very challenging time. If you would like a funeral service to be held at St Dunstan’s or St Peter’s, or would like one of our ministers to officiate at a service at a local crematorium, then we will support you as you prepare to bid farewell to your loved one.
Why have a Christian funeral service?
Christians believe that, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we can share eternal life with him after we die. A Christian funeral service, therefore, expresses the love of God, and the hope that we might see our loved one again, when we are reunited in heaven.
In choosing to have a Christian funeral service, our Vicar Peter, or another local minister, will help you prepare for the funeral by guiding you through the service, and helping you make choices such as what readings and music to have. They will also be there to offer you pastoral support, both before and after the service.
What happens in a Christian funeral service?
A Christian funeral will always include certain elements, including readings from the Bible, an Address from the minister, prayers, and the commendation of the departed to the care of Almighty God. There are plenty of ways in which to make the service personal and appropriate for the deceased, including choices of music, readings, and tributes.
How can I arrange a funeral?
If you would like a funeral service to be held at St Dunstan’s or St Peter’s, or would like one of our ministers to officiate at a service at a local crematorium, then you can inform your funeral director of your wishes, and they will contact us. Alternatively, you can contact our Vicar Peter directly if you wish, on 01844 274771, or at
Burials and interments
Please note the use of the Churchyard for burials and interment of ashes is governed by the Churchyard-Regulations-2016.