Charitable Giving
The PCC of St Dunstan’s and St Peter’s aims to donate ten percent of the church’s annual income to charitable causes. The PCC collaboratively reach a decision on this in light of the financial position of the church at the end of each calendar year.
The parish supports local, national, and overseas causes, both with and without church connections.
Recently, the parish has supported the following charities:
Mind Over Mountains
Bucks Historic Churches Trust
Wycombe Youth for Christ
Ebony Horse Club
The Whitechapel Mission
Baby Unit, Relatives And Parents Support
(Stoke Mandeville NICU)
A further £600 is also donated to the Children’s Christian Holiday Club ‘Lighthouse’.
Hody's Charity
This charity, of which the Rector and Churchwardens of St Dunstan’s are Trustees, is in the gift of the parish and is established for the purpose of providing assistance towards the cost of further education or personal development. Grants are available for a maximum of three years and applicants must be under 21 years of age, at the time of their first application.
Application forms are available from the notice board in the church porch. Completed forms should be handed to one of the Churchwardens.